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Jungfraupark Interlaken

The theme park in the Bernese Oberland has the right thing to offer for all kinds of occasions. The glass corridor, flooded in natural light, the large event centre, or even the famous panorama ball offer the ideal conditions for banquets, exhibitions and seminars of varying sizes. The fantastic Mystery World and Swiss Alps Shows provide a diverse and exciting supplementary programme. Enjoy conventions where others go on holiday!

The Hercules, Pegasus and Taurus rooms are located next to each other and can be connected by a large sliding door. The foyer is the central point of the Event Centre. You can conveniently access the three large rooms as well as the small Orion seminar room.

Enquire now +41 33 827 62 00


Seminar300 persons
Concert600 persons
Banquet/Dinner400 persons
Reception/Aperitifs600 persons